TABLE 1 Total Minutes Spent Online Home, Work and University Locations September 2003 Source: comScore Media Metrix Aug-03 Sep-03 Property (in millions) (in millions) % Change Total Internet 236,728 244,121 3.1% Home 142,631 140,337 -1.6% Work 79,604 83,713 5.2% University 14,494 20,071 38.5% TABLE 2 Top 50 Properties Unique Visitors (000) Total U.S. - Home, Work and University Locations September 2003 Unique Unique Visitors Visitors Rank Property (000) Rank Property (000) Total Internet Users 150,045 1 MSN-Microsoft Sites 110,167 26 EA Online 16,196 2 AOL Time Warner Network - Proprietary & WWW 109,335 27 Expedia Travel 16,076 3 Yahoo! Sites 108,096 28 AT&T Properties 16,054 4 Ebay 62,577 29 Sony Online 15,754 5 Google Sites 56,270 30 Property 15,453 6 Terra Lycos 51,605 31 Vivendi-Universal Sites 15,387 7 About/Primedia 43,656 32 The Womens Network 14,158 8 Amazon Sites 36,295 33 Sites 13,919 9 Gator Network 34,158 34 NFL Internet Group 13,914 10 Excite Network 32,750 35 Gannett Sites 12,775 11 Verisign Sites 30,787 36 United Online, Inc 12,683 12 Viacom Online 25,846 37 Cox Enterprises Inc. 11,865 13 Walt Disney Internet Group (WDIG) 25,037 38 Wal-Mart 11,580 14 CNET Networks 24,593 39 AmericanGreetings Property 11,507 15 Symantec 24,459 40 Adobe Sites 11,493 16 Weather Channel, The 23,577 41 News Corp. Online 11,481 17 Network 22,934 42 Travelocity 11,414 18 Verizon Communications Corporation 19,424 43 Earthlink 11,360 19 Overture 18,786 44 ORBITZ.COM 11,333 20 InfoSpace Network 18,725 45 Dell 11,302 21 eUniverse Network 17,767 46 Comcast Corporation 10,647 22 Sites 17,673 47 New York Times Digital 10,627 23 SBC Communications 16,955 48 Hewlett Packard 10,389 24 Monster Property 16,720 49 EMODE.COM 10,166 25 Ask Jeeves 16,501 50 Columbia House Sites 10,004 TABLE 3 Top 10 Gaining Categories/Sub-Categories Unique Visitors (000) Total U.S. - Home, Work and University Locations September 2003 Source: comScore Media Metrix Aug-03 Sep-03 Unique Unique Visitors Visitors Property (000) (000) % Change Total Internet Users 148,811 150,045 0.8% Retail-Food 8,324 9,732 16.9% Weather 38,100 41,757 9.6% Sports 48,169 52,633 9.3% Flowers/Gifts/Greetings 23,576 25,373 7.6% TV 44,085 47,154 7.0% Hobbies-Lifestyles-Food 22,959 24,322 5.9% Home 26,384 27,909 5.8% Online Trading 10,739 11,256 4.8% Music 62,210 65,116 4.7% TABLE 4 Top Gaining Sites Among the Top 250 Properties Unique Visitors (000) Total U.S. - Home, Work and University Locations September 2003 Source: comScore Media Metrix Jul-03 Aug-03 Unique Unique Rank by Visitors Visitors Rank by Unique Property (000) (000) % Change % Change Visitors Verisign Sites 4,797 30,787 541.8% 1 11 SPARKNOTES.COM 1,651 3,077 86.4% 2 220 REFERENCE.COM 4,424 6,657 50.5% 3 90 Encyclopaedia Britannica 2,983 4,485 50.4% 4 146 Weight Watchers International 2,703 3,949 46.1% 5 161 PBS.ORG 2,486 3,622 45.7% 6 186 Department of Commerce 6,282 9,083 44.6% 7 60 SNAPFISH.COM 2,155 3,102 43.9% 8 217 General Mills 2,173 2,998 37.9% 9 228 Family Education Network 2,942 4,039 37.3% 10 158comScore Media Metrix Announces Top 50 U.S. Internet Property Rankings for October 2003
[参考] qSearch によるユーザーの検索行動、及び Google シェア
同社(comScore Networks)はあるポータル/検索サイトを訪れた人のうち、実際そこで検索を行った人の割合はわずか64%にすぎない、との調査結果を示した。(...skip...)このqSearchの調査では、全検索サイトのうちGoogleが検索利用回数で他を圧倒し、わずかの差でYahooが続くという業界ウォッチャーの予測通りの調査結果が出た。comScore によると、Google.comは英語を母語とする検索者が入力した全検索クエリの33%を占めたという。また米国だけで見ると、調査期間中に行われた全検索およそ7億9000万件のうちの、Yahooが26%を占めてトップだった。(CNET )