MediaPost にて Google の IPO(Initial Public Offering
新規株式公開) の目的についての分析がありました。
米ウォートンスクールのRaffi Amit氏は、Google の IPOについて
Wharton professor Amit stresses that Google's incentive to go public is no different from any other company-namely, to become even bigger and establish liquidity among its investors. Amit notes that an IPO would be a means of giving investors a return, but it would also give them a greater means by which to compete with the likes of Yahoo! and Microsoft. "Yahoo! and Microsoft's MSN are two big competitors," he says. "Both have deep pockets and a diversified range of businesses. They can invest in technology and marketing. As an independent company, Google must come up with a budget to compete effectively."
Microsoft と Yahoo! という資金力豊富で多様なビジネスを持つ競合相手と争うためには IPO により財務基盤を強化しなければならない、という論調です。私も以前「Google のIPO 目的は資金調達だ」と記事:Google と Microsoft の買収話:にて同様のことを指摘していましたが、的を得ていたようですね。
News Analysis: Placing A Value On Google [MediaDailyNews Wednesday, November 26, 2003]