AP通信によると、パーデュー大学 (Purdue University) のKarthik Ramani (カーシック・ラマニ) 教授が3D検索エンジンを開発しました。この3D検索エンジンは、探したい物体のスケッチを描くと、それに似たオブジェクトを検索できるというものです。
Ramani expects his search engine will serve huge industrial companies whose engineers often waste time and energy designing a specialized part when someone else has already created, used or rejected something similar.
With the Purdue search engine, designers could sketch the part they need and instantly see dozens in inventory that might fit the bill.
当面は一般ユーザーではなく、特定の専門職に就くユーザーによってのみ利用されるとのことですが、米Google の 検索品質担当ディレクター、Peter Norvig (ピーター・ノービグ)氏は注目をしているようです。
For the foreseeable future, 3-D searching is likely to see only specialized business uses. However, Peter Norvig, Google's director of search quality, calls the technology "interesting" and adds, "If it starts to take off, we'll look more seriously at it."
©2003 The Associated Press.
Princeton Shape Retrieval and Analysis Group [Yahoo! NEWS]
Princeton Shape Retrieval and Analysis Group
Purdue engineers design 'shape-search' for industry databases
Patrick Min
Ph.D. Thesis, January 2004