米GoogleソフトウェアエンジニアMatt Cutts氏が、今年は英語以外の言語 - ドイツ語やフランス語、中国語などを問わず - 検索エンジンスパムに対して今まで以上に多くの注意を払うとブログで記している。
In 2006, I expect Google to pay a lot more attention to spam in other languages, whether it be German, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, or any other language. (...) If you work at a large company that has doorway pages, keyword stuffing, or other tricks against our webmaster quality guidelines in a non-English language, consider this a courtesy notice that Google will paying a lot more attention to spam in other languages in 2006. Please check your site for issues now to avoid any potential problems. [SEO Mistakes: Spam in other languages, Matt Cutts: Gadgets, Google, and SEO]