今年9月に開催されたCSS Nite の講演でも触れましたが、SEOの観点で考えるべきでないことにSEOの基準を求めたりSEO視点で回答を求めようとすることは意味がないので行うべきではありません。「サイト内に404 not found になるリンク、つまりリンク切れがたくさんあると検索順位に影響はあるのか?」という質問をされる方は実際のところ少なくないのですが、これもその、時間の無駄な、典型的な質問の1つです。
Hi TheBigK The number of crawl errors on your site generally doesn't affect the rest of your site's crawling, indexing, or ranking. It's completely normal for a site to have URLs that are invalid and which return 404 (or 410, etc). That wouldn't be something which we would count against a site -- on the contrary, it's something which tells us that the site is configured correctly. For more information about 404's in particular, I'd also check out our blog post at http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2011/05/do-404s-hurt-my-site.html When it comes to marking crawl errors as "fixed" in Webmaster Tools, this is something which is not used for the rest of our crawling / indexing systems, it's only used to simplify things in your UI. We try to bubble up more important crawl errors (such as pages that recently existed), so if you're not seeing any important URLs there (such as some that you thought were valid URLs), then I wouldn't worry about those crawl errors. Cheers John [Can large number of internal broken links cause search penalty?]
ちなみに 米GoogleのJohn Muller氏は、リンクエラーの数はインデクシングやランキングに影響はしないと述べています。