米Amazon.com のeコマース検索エンジンの技術開発会社設立のニュースですが、米国メディア各紙が取り上げていましたのでまとめてご紹介。
Google, Amazon in a war of search words [ZDNet/USA]
Amazon.com to Compete With Google's Froogle Comparison Shopping Engine [michaelwong.com]
Amazon.com invades Google's turf [Globetechnology]
Amazon to Launch Search Engine [web ad.vantage]
Amazon.com invades Google's turf with search startup [USA Today]
Search-Engine Gold Rush [CBS News]
Amazon.com Invades Google's Turf [BizReport]
Amazon startup A9 entering Google turf [Seattle Times]
Amazon joins the search engine war with project `A9' [TAIPEI TIMES]
Amazon.com Invades Google's Turf [maltastar.com]
Amazon.com invades Google's turf with Silicon Valley search startup [Canadian Press]