米Wall Street Journal紙(電子版)によると、先日米Ask Jeevesを買収した米IAC/InterActiveCorp CEO, Barry Diller氏が、Ask JeevesがYahoo!やGoogle、MSNからマーケットシェアを奪える力があると確信する一方で、そのブランド名の変更を検討していると、カンファレンス「D3」にて発言している。
Diller on Tuesday told an audience of media and executives that the more he learns about the search capabilities of Ask Jeeves, which IAC is buying for $1.85 billion in stock, the more convinced he is that the firm can gain market share against search rivals Google Inc. (GOOG), Yahoo Inc. (YHOO) and Microsoft Corp.'s (MSFT) MSN. But while Ask Jeeves will get a needed infusion of cash for marketing and development, its brand name is unlikely to survive in its current form. ( Diller Says AskJeeves Will Probably Be Renamed, Wall Street Journal, May 25, 2005 3:59 p.m.)