ブログ検索エンジンの米Technorati(テクノラティ)は2005年6月9日、デザインを刷新した新サイトをパブリックベータとして立ち上げた。同社CEOのDave Sifry氏が明らかにした。
I'm pleased to announce the launch of the public beta of this major redesign of the Technorati service. We've been listening to your feedback, and we hope we've reflected that in this release. This is a beta. So, if you have feedback, please tell us because we want to know what is of value to you, our users. We've made a big step with this release. Having said that, we also know we have more improvements to make and we're working hard to implement them. Here are some of the highlights of this beta release: [Dave Sifry, "Welcome to our new Public Beta!", Technorati Weblog, June 09, 2005]