

2006年のオンライン広告市場規模は166億ドル ~ Credit Suisse

Credit Suisse First Bostonによると2006年のオンライン広告市場規模は前縁比32%増の166億ドル、GoogleやYahoo!が成長を牽引する。アニメーションや音声、インタラクティブな広告の売上げは66%増でウェブ広告分野で最も成長の早い分野。

The market for online ads will increase 32 percent to $16.6 billion next year, fueling growth at companies including Google Inc. and Yahoo! Inc., Credit Suisse First Boston analyst Heath Terry said in a research report. He had previously forecast 21 percent growth. Sales of online ads that have animation, sound or interactive features will jump 66 percent next year to become the fastest growing area of Web ads, Credit Suisse predicts. Yahoo, the most-visited Web site, and No. 1 search-engine Google are winning business at the expense of publishers and broadcasters. [Online Ad Growth Accelerates, Outpacing Newspaper, TV Spending, Bloomberg]

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