


Google Search Forumへの投稿によると、GoogleをPCから利用する際に画面レイアウトがタブレット用のものになってしまうバグが発生している模様だ。

1週間ほど前にあるユーザーがこの問題を報告した後、他のユーザーも同様の症状があると相次いで報告している。米Google社員のJacqueline N氏はこの問題を解決するため、ユーザーから問題が発生しているデバイス環境の情報を求めている。

Thanks for reporting the problem and sharing the details! AnthGlick, GeorgeCo, shanestites, and BurlapSack: are you signed in to Google when you get tablet mode? If you sign out, do you continue seeing tablet mode?

If anyone else is experiencing this problem, please be sure to let us know: The name and version of the browser where you see tablet mode:

What you see in other browsers: Whether or not you are signed in, and what happens if you sign in/sign out: We're looking into the problem and hope to have an update for you soon! [...] Thanks for the reports, everyone! We're continuing to investigate the problem, but to help us assess the severity - are there tasks that you aren't able to accomplish while in this state?

Stuck in Google Tablet Search - Classic Search broken

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