

Google「レリバンシーが常に優先される」 (SES London 2005)

SES London 2005にてGoogle Europeのマーケットディレクター、Jeff Levick氏が、SESカンファレンス参加者からの「スポンサードリンクへの流れにより、検索順位のトップを獲得できるだけの資金を払える企業によってマーケットが支配されないかという過度な商業化への懸念に対して、サーチのリレバンシー(relevancy、関連性、適合性)が常に優先されると回答。

Google is determined to "organise the world's information", said Mr Levick, but audience members at the conference were more concerned about over-commercialisation Asked whether he thought that the trend towards sponsored links would mean the market was taken over by those firms that could pay to get pole position in search rankings, Mr Levick was adamant that would not happen. "Relevance will always prevail. Just because someone has more money to spend doesn't mean they will be number one," he said. [" The future of search looks bright" BBC News, Friday, 3 June, 2005, 08:08 GMT 09:08 UK]

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