「見せかけだけのサイトや何の価値も加えられていないODPコピーサイトはインデックスから削除する」 - Googleが検索エンジンスパム対策のために新たなスパムフィルタリングを導入したようだ。WebmasterWorldにてGoogleの従業員であるGoogleGuyも認めている。
GoogleGuy: sgsurvey, you mentioned that you're using hidden text, and that you're scraping content from other people and using it yourself. Either one of those could be contributing to your problems. From listening to feedback that the search engineers heard at the the last WebmasterWorld pubconference, I have a strong hunch that we're going to be taking a closer look at sites that are just scraper sites, or throwing up a copy of the ODP with no value added. So I wouldn't be surprised to see (for example) sites that are just scraping Google (or possibly other sites) not doing as well over time. ["Duplicate Content Problems or Sandbox?", WebmasterWorld, 9:39 am on July 25, 2005]
zafile, I believe some scraper sites went out today. It's something that we're going to look more at over time, too.["Duplicate Content Problems or Sandbox?", WebmasterWorld, 9:39 am on July 25, 2005]