米Googleエンジニア Matt Cutts氏が、急激に新しいURLが増加したページはGoogle内部でフラグ(警告)が立ち、個々のURLの信頼性を調査して問題なければ検索結果に表示すると説明している。米MicrosoftのWindows Live Writerが大規模なURL変更を行った際にGoogleシステムで調査対象となる警告が出た模様だ。
By the way, it looks like the primary issue with the Windows Live Writer blog was the large-scale migration from spaces.msn.com to spaces.live.com about a month ago. We saw so many urls suddenly showing up on spaces.live.com that it triggered a flag in our system which requires more trust in individual urls in order for them to rank (this is despite the crawl guys trying to increase our hostload thresholds and taking similar measures to make the migration go smoothly for Spaces). We cleared that flag, and things look much better now. [Scoble visiting the Plex, Matt Cutts: Gadgets, Google, and SEO]