たとえば、キーワード「airline pilot」(エアラインパイロット)で検索した時に、Google検索結果画面右側のアドワーズ広告掲載エリアに "Related to airline pilot: salary" や "Related to airline pilot: consume"、"Related to airline pilot:jobs:"といったラベルが表示され、それぞれに関連する広告が表示される。
We're always experimenting with new features and tools to help users find information online. We're currently testing a feature on English language versions of the Google search results page in which additional advertisements for related queries or refinements of the user's original query may appear. This beta experiment provides users with a diverse set of relevant ads, and offers advertisers with relevant broad match keywords another opportunity to reach their target audience. [Google AdWords Testing Related Broad Matches AdWords Ads, Search Engine Roundtable]
Ads Displayed Grouped Into Categories (Seeking Specificity)