米eMarketerのCEO、Geoff Ramsey氏が、なぜサーチマーケティングが成長しているかについて10個の理由を挙げています。
10. The economy is growing.
9. Search will attract more B2B advertisers to online marketing.
8. Search is expanding to include multi-media and graphics.
7. Search will get smarter.
6. Search will expand through contextual advertising.
5. Search will grow faster outside the U.S. market.
4. The number of online shoppers and buyers continues to grow.
3. The number of searchers, and usage of search, will continue to grow.
2. Search will go local.
1. Search marketing will get more sophisticated.
eMarketer CEO Presents Latest Search Engine Research to Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization; Analyzes Trends, Prospects and Opportunities in Search Engine Marketing [eMarketer Press Release]